iOS & Android first setup
Plug Ulo to its USB cable to make sure the owl is powered (please use a 5V-2A USD adapter)
Make sure your connection works properly and Ulo is placed within range of your Wi-Fi router
Download ULO app on App Store or Play Store on your device
Enable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your device
Make sure your device is connected to your Wi-Fi network
Launch ULO app
Tap Setup new Ulo
Tap on the Ulo discovered to configure it
Follow the instruction on Ulo app
(In WiFi configuration:
SSID = Name of your home WiFi network
Password = Password of your home WiFi network)
Web-browser first setup
Open your Ulo (see Quick Start Guide)
Take a picture or write down your Ulo MAC address (optional: follow this step if you’d like to access Ulo from your computer, as explained below)
Now you can close your Ulo
Plug Ulo to its USB cable to make sure the owl is powered (please use a 5V-2A USD adapter)
Make sure your connection works properly and Ulo is placed within range of your Wi-Fi router
Enable Wi-Fi on your device (laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.)
Place Ulo upside-down
Ulo will create a Wi-Fi network (AP mode), please connect your computer to this network (if a password is needed, please use Mu Design)
In your web-browser go to this address: or
Follow the instruction on Ulo webpage
After WiFi configuration, Ulo will connect to your home network. The Ulo webpage won't be accessible anymore. This is normal, you should have a blank page.
Connect your computer to your Wi-Fi network
Access Ulo from your computer
Now you need to know your Ulo IP address.
There are 2 possibilities:
Scan your Wi-Fi network with a third party software. Look for your Ulo MAC address and enter its IP address in a web-browser to finish configuration and start using your Ulo.
Easy but not recommended, Ulo IP address will change with time. You'll have to repeat this step each time you can't access your Ulo.
Go to your Wi-Fi router administration page. Provide a static IP to your Ulo MAC address. Enter this IP address in a web-browserto finish configuration and start using your Ulo.
You can find lots of tutorials on internet for this step. Example : search "static IP [name of your router]"
Recommended, your Ulo IP won't change (unless you reset your router).
Ulo is displaying a charger symbol
This means your USB adapter is not powerful enough, Ulo may not be able to boot.
Please use a 5V-2A USB adapter.